Famous People From History. Read on to discover about the life and works of various famous historical figures from all over the world. At three months, she was adopted by Catherine (Peters) and Richard Smith Harry, and was raised in Hawthorne, New Jersey.
The 30 Most Epic Zingers From Famous People Throughout History ... (Harriett Cole) Answer: A renowned officer in the British Army during World War I, T. Covering politics, art, literature, science and music. Question: Who is known as the "Father of Medicine"?
These famous birthdays are the most famous people in history.
What you should take: Ben is famous for his routine, particularly being such an early riser.
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Fun facts for Black History Month provided by the U.S. Census Bureau ...
Answer: A renowned officer in the British Army during World War I, T. Our database of biographies includes celebrities, historical figures and high achievers in all fields of human endeavor as well as those people who are not "famous", but have made a difference in the lives of others. You may be surprised which state they were born in.
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